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Frankincense Essential oil

This resinous, slightly spicy oil is thought to be a superior essential oil for mature skin. The Frankincense Essential oil was often used as an ingredient in mummification and is thought to rejuvenate and regenerate mature skin. It is used in aromatherapy for the antiseptic, anti-inflammatory properties, and for the scar reducing ability’s.

Historically Frankincense is traditionally used in Ayurvedic medicine. The essential oil is referred to in old texts as Olibanum, Oil of Lebanon. The resin has been long used in churches and rituals as it causes the diaphragm to drop and so slows down and deepens the breathing. Frankincense classically known as one of the three gifts brought at the birth of Christ. Often considered to be protective and clears negativity. The burning of Frankincense resin is thought to be the first form of incense.